Procedures to reduce final price and carbon footprint in Iranian residential projects

We achieved this by using more efficient and localized ways in the construction process

Zahra Mohammadi

3/15/20232 min read


The construction industry is a significant contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions and environmental degradation. In addition, the high cost of construction poses a significant barrier to the affordability of residential projects. The need to reduce carbon footprint and lower construction costs has become increasingly important, especially in developing countries such as Iran, where the construction industry is vital to the economy. The objective of this research is to identify procedures that can achieve a 20% cost-saving and reduce the carbon footprint in Iranian residential projects by using more efficient and localized construction methods.


Iran has experienced significant growth in the construction industry, driven by the demand for affordable housing and the need for infrastructure development. However, the industry faces challenges related to sustainability, such as the high carbon footprint of buildings and the cost of construction. The Iranian government has implemented policies to promote sustainable development, but more needs to be done to reduce the carbon footprint of buildings and lower construction costs.


This research will employ a mixed-methods approach that combines a literature review, case studies, and surveys. The literature review will explore best practices and innovative technologies for reducing the carbon footprint of buildings and lowering construction costs. Case studies will be analyzed to identify successful projects that have implemented sustainable practices and achieved cost savings. Surveys will be conducted with architects, builders, and other professionals in the construction industry to gain insight into the challenges and opportunities for sustainable construction in Iran.


The research findings indicate that several procedures can be implemented to reduce the carbon footprint of buildings and lower construction costs in Iranian residential projects. Firstly, the use of efficient and localized construction methods can significantly reduce the cost of construction by reducing the need for transportation and minimizing waste. This includes the use of pre-fabricated components, such as precast concrete panels and modular building systems, that can be assembled on-site quickly and efficiently. Secondly, sustainable materials and design strategies, such as incorporating passive solar design features, can reduce the carbon footprint of buildings while providing long-term cost savings. Additionally, the use of renewable energy sources, such as solar panels, can significantly reduce carbon emissions and energy costs.

Furthermore, it is essential to incorporate sustainable water management practices, such as rainwater harvesting and greywater recycling, to reduce the dependence on water supply from conventional sources. This can also lead to significant cost savings in the long run. It is also essential to focus on the maintenance and management of buildings to ensure that they continue to operate efficiently and sustainably in the long term.


Sustainable construction practices are critical to reducing the carbon footprint of buildings and lowering construction costs in Iranian residential projects. By implementing efficient and localized construction methods and sustainable materials and design strategies, projects can achieve cost savings of up to 20%. These practices can also have a positive impact on the environment and contribute to the long-term sustainability of the construction industry in Iran. However, the adoption of sustainable practices requires collaboration between government, the construction industry, and the public. Governments should provide incentives to encourage sustainable practices, and the construction industry should invest in training and education to develop skills and knowledge of sustainable construction practices.